September 9-11, 2009 — Hotel Del Coronado — San Diego — California


Technical Program:
September 9, 2009
September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10

Session 5 - Fluctuations

8:30 - 9:15

Invited Speaker
"Random Fluctuations in Scaled MOS Devices"
K. Takeuchi, MIRAI-Selete
9:15 - 9:40
"Modeling and Simulation of Orientation-Dependent Fluctuations in Nanowire Field-Effect Biosensors using the Stochastic Linearized Poisson-Boltzmann Equation"
C. Heitzinger, N. Mauser, C. Ringhofer*, Y. Liu**, R. W. Dutton**
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, *Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, **Stanford University, Stanford, CA
9:40 - 10:05
"Modeling and Optimization of Variability in High-k/Metal-Gate MOSFETs"
T.-H. Yu, T. Ohtou, K.-M. Liu*, W.-Y. Chen, Y.-P. Hu, C.-F. Cheng, Y.-M. Sheu
TSMC, Hsinchu, Taiwan, *National Nano Device Laboratory (NDL) Hsinchu, Taiwan
Break (15 minutes)

10:20 - 10:45
"A Discrete Surface Potential Model which Accurately Reflects Channel Doping Profile and its Application to Ultra-Fast Analysis of Random Dopant Fluctuation"
H. Sakamoto, H. Arimoto, H. Masuda, S. Funayama, S. Kumashiro
MIRAI-Selete, Japan
10:45 - 11:10
"Statistical Analysis of Metal Gate Workfunction Variability, Process Variation, and Random Dopant Fluctuation in Nano-CMOS Circuits"
C.-H. Hwang, T.-Y. Li, M.-H. Han, K.-F. Lee, H.-W. Cheng, Y. Li
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
11:10 - 11:35
"Investigation of the Noise Performance of Double-Gate MOSFETs by Deterministic Simulation of Boltzmann Equation"
S.-M. Hong, C. Jungemann
Bundeswehr University, Neubiberg, Germany

Session 6 - Applications and Numerics

9:15 - 9:40
"A Gradient-Based Inverse Lithography Technology for Double-Dipole Lithography"
W. Xiong, J. Zhang, Y. Wang, M.-C. Tsai*, Z. Yu
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, *Brion Technology, Santa Clara, CA
9:40 - 10:05
"Simulation-Based Lihography Optimization for Logic Circuits at 22nm and Below"
M. Smayling, V. Axelrad*
Tela Innovations, Inc., Campbell, CA, *Sequoia Design Systems, Woodside, CA
Break (15 minutes)

10:20 - 10:45
"A Convergence Enhancement Method for Deterministic Multisubband Device Simulations of Double Gate PMOSFET"
A. T. Pham, C. Jungemann*, B. Meinerzhagen
TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany, *University Bundeswehr, Neubiberg, Germany
10:45 - 11:10
"Comparison of Discretization Methods for Device Simulation"
D. J. Cummings, S. Cea*, T. Linton**, M. E. Law
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, *Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR, **Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA
11:10 - 11:35
"Reflectance of Sub-Wavelength Structure on Silicon Nitride for Solar Cell Application"
K. C. Sahoo, Y. Li*, E.Y. Cheng, M.-K. Lin**, J.-H. Huang*
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, *National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, **National Nano Device Laboratories, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Session 7 - Compact Models

1:30 - 1:55

"Design of FinFET SRAM Cells using a Statistical Compact Model"
D. D. Lu, C.-H. Lin, S. Yao, W. Xiong*, F. Bauer**, C. R. Cleavelin*, A. M. Niknejad, C. Hu
University of California, Berkeley, CA, *Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, **Infineon Technologies, Munich, Germany
1:55 - 2:20
"Compact Modeling of Stress Effects in Scaled CMOS"
C.-C. Wang, W. Zhao, F. Liu*, M. Chen, Y. Cao
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, *IBM Austin Research Lab, Austin, TX
2:20 - 2:45
"Predictive Compact Modeling for Strain Effects in Nanoscale Transistors"
N. Xu, X. Sun, L. Wang, A. Neureuther, T.-J. K. Liu
University of California, Berkeley, CA
2:45 - 3:05
"Compact Modeling of Quasi-Ballistic Transport and Quantum Mechanical Confinement in Nanowire MOSFETs: Circuit Performances Analysis"
S. Martinie, E. Sarrazin*, D. Muteanu**, S. Barraud, G. Le Carval, J. L. Autran**
CEA-LETI, Grenoble, France, *Universite Paris Sud, Orsay, France, **IM2NP-CNRS, Marseille, France
3:05 - 3:25
"Benchmarking the Accuracy of PCA Generated Statistical Compact Model Parameters Against Physical Device Simulation and Directly Extracted Statistical Parameters"
B. Cheng, N. Moezi, D. Dideban, G. Roy, S. Roy, A. Asenov
University of Glasgow, UK

Session 8 - Advanced Models

1:30 - 1:55

"Impact Ionization and Freeze-out Model for Simulation of Low Gate Bias Kink Effect in SOI-MOSFETs Operating at Liquid He Temperature"
A. Akturk, K. Eng*, M. Peckerar, T. Gurrieri*, M.S. Carroll*, M. Dornajafi, N. Goldsman
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, *Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM
1:55 - 2:20
"Modeling the Effect of Conduction Band Density of States on Interface Trap Occupation and its Influence on 4H-SiC MOSFET Performance"
S. Potbhare, A. Akturk, N. Goldsman, A. Lelis*, S. Dhar**, S.-H. Ryu**, A. Agarwal**
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, *US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, **Cree, Research Triangle Park, NC
2:20 - 2:45
"Effects of Ionic Doping on the Behaviors of Oxygen Vacancies in HfO2 and ZrO2: A First Principles Study"
H. W. Zhang, B. Gao, S. Yu, L. Lai*, L. Zeng, B. Sun, L.F. Liu, X. Y. Liu, J. Lu*, R. Q. Han, J. F. Kang*
Peking University & Ministry of Education, Beijing, China, *Peking University, Beijing, China
2:45 - 3:10
"A Model for Switching Traps in Amorphous Oxides"
W. Goes, T. Grasser, M. Karner, B. Kaczer*
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, *IMEC, Leuven, Belgium
3:30 - 5:30 Poster Session

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