SISPAD 2002 Proceedings
- T. Ando:
"Perspectives in Microscopic Carrier Transport";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 1 - 4.
- A. Asenov, M. Jaraiz, S. Roy, F. Adamu-Lema, A. R. Brown, V. Moroz, R. Gafiteanu:
"Integrated Atomistic Process and Device Simulation of Decananometer MOSFETs";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 87 - 90.
- V. Axelrad, Y. Huh, J.W. Chen, P. Bendix:
"A Novel CDM-Like Discharge Effect during Human Body Model (HBM) ESD Stress";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 115 - 118.
- T. Bechtold, E.B. Rudnyi, J.G. Korvink:
"Automatic Order Reduction of Thermo-Electric Model for Micro-Ignition Unit";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 131 - 134.
- T. Binder, H. Ceric, A. Hössinger, S. Selberherr:
"A Strategy to Enforce the Discrete Minimax Principle on Finite Element Meshes";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 183 - 186.
- F.M. Bufler, C. Zechner, A. Schenk, W. Fichtner:
"Self-Consistent Single-Particle Simulation";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 159 - 162.
- H. Ceric, S. Selberherr:
"An Adaptive Grid Approach for the Simulation of Electromigration Induced Void Migration";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 253 - 256.
- F. Charlet, J.F. Carpentier:
"Extraction of 3D Interconnect Impedances Using Edge Elements without Gauge Condition";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 143 - 146.
- O. Cueto, F. Charlet, A. Farcy:
"An Efficient Algorithm for 3D Interconnect Capacitance Extraction Considering Floating Conductors";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 107 - 110.
- S.T. Dunham:
"The Process Modeling Hierarchy: Connecting Atomistic Calculations to Nanoscale Behavior";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 213 - 216.
- T. Ezaki, T. Ikezawa, A. Notsu, K. Tanaka, M. Hane:
"3D MOSFET Simulation Considering Long-Range Coulomb Potential Effects for Analyzing Statistical Dopant-Induced Fluctuations Associated with Atomistic Process Simulator";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 91 - 94.
- P. Fleischmann, S. Selberherr:
"Enhanced Advancing Front Delaunay Meshing in TCAD";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 99 - 102.
- A. Gehring, T. Grasser, H. Kosina, S. Selberherr:
"A New Gate Current Model Accounting for a Non-Maxwellian Electron Energy Distribution Function";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 235 - 238.
- A. Ghetti:
"MOSFET Hot Carrier Induced Gate Current Simulation by Self-Consistent Silicon/Oxide Monte Carlo Device Simulation";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 231 - 234.
- M. Gritsch, H. Kosina, T. Grasser, S. Selberherr:
"Simulation of a "Well Tempered" SOI MOSFET Using an Enhanced Hydrodynamic Transport Model";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 195 - 198.
- H. Hayashi, N. Miura, H. Komatsubara, M. Mochizuki, K. Fukuda:
"A New Non-Pair Diffusion Based Dopant Pile-Up Model for Process Designers and its Prediction Accuracy";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 207 - 210.
- N. Hefyene, E. Vestiel, B. Bakeroot, C. Anghel, S. Frere, A.M. Ionescu, R. Gillon:
"Bias-Dependent Drift Resistance Modeling for Accurate DC and AC Simulation of Asymmetric HV-MOSFET";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 203 - 206.
- C. Heitzinger, J. Fugger, O. Häberlen, S. Selberherr:
"Simulation and Inverse Modeling of TEOS Deposition Processes Using a Fast Level Set Method";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 191 - 194.
- S. Ho, Y. Ohkura, M. Takuya, J. Prasad, N. Nakamura, S. Kubo:
"Hot Carrier Induced Degradation due to Multi-Phonon Mechanism Analyzed by Lattice and Device Monte Carlo Coupled Simulation";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 243 - 246.
- T. Hohr, O. Schenk, A. Wettstein, W. Fichtner:
"On Density-Gradient Modeling of Tunneling through Insulators";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 275 - 278.
- M.-K. Ieong, P. Oldiges:
"Technology Modeling for Emerging SOI Devices";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 225 - 230.
- M. Je, I. Kwon, J. Han, H. Shin, K.-K. Lee:
"On the Large-Signal CMOS Modeling and Parameter Extraction for RF Applications";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 67 - 70.
- C. Jungemann, B. Meinerzhagen:
"In-Advance CPU Time Analysis for Monte Carlo Device Simulations";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 103 - 106.
- K. Kalna, A. Asenov:
"Gate Tunneling and Impact Ionisation in Sub-100nm PHEMTs";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 139 - 142.
- Y. Kamakura, H. Ryouke, K. Taniguchi:
"Ensemble Monte Carlo/Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Inversion Layer Mobility in Si MOSFETs - Effects of Substrate Impurity";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 25 - 28.
- K.-D. Kim, K.-H. Lee, S.-J. Baik, J.-H. Lee, T.-K. Kim, J.-T. Kong:
"Characterization of Multi-Barrier Tunneling Diodes and Vertical Transistors Using 2D Device Simulation";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 167 - 170.
- C.-S. Lee, G. Jin, K.-H. Lee, J.-T. Kong, W.-S. Lee, Y.-H. Rho, E.C. Kan, R.W. Dutton:
"Hot Carrier Energy Distribution Model and its Application to the MOSFET Substrate Current";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 171 - 174.
- S.-W. Lee:
"Integrated TCAD and ECAD Solutions - A Paradigm Shift";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 5 - 8.
- O. Lenhart, E. Bär:
"Three-Dimensional Triangle-Based Simulation of Etching Processes";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 127 - 130.
- D. Li, S.-H. Yang, C. Machala, L. Lin, A. Tasch, B. Hornung, A. Li-Fatou, S.K. Banerjee:
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Consecutive Implants into SiO2 Capped Si";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 217 - 220.
- Y. Li, H.-M. Lu, O. Voskoboynikov, C.P. Lee, S.M. Sze:
"Investigation of Magnetic Field Effects on Energy Gap for Nanoscale InAs/GaAs Semiconductor Ring Structures";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 155 - 158.
- E. Lyumkis, R. Mickevicius, O. Penzin, B. Polsky, K. El Sayed, A. Wettstein, W. Fichtner:
"Simulations of Ultrathin, Ultrashort Double-Gated MOSFETs with the Density Gradient Transport Model";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 271 - 274.
- C.F. Machala, S. Chakravarthi, D. Li, S.-H. Yang, C. Bowen:
"A Strategy for Enabling Predictive TCAD in Development of Sub-100nm CMOS Technologies";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 33 - 38.
- H. Masuda, M. Orlowski, R.W. Dutton, M. Fukuma, S.-W. Lee, W. Schoenmaker, S. Selberherr, T. Wada:
"What Can Computer Aided Engineering Do for the SoC Era?";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 211.
- K. Matsuzawa:
"Impact of Electron Heat Conductivity on Electron Energy Flux";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 147 - 150.
- K. Matsuzawa, H. Kawashima, T. Matsuhashi, S. Yasuda:
"Simulation Technique of Heating by Contact Resistance for ESD Protection Device";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 119 - 122.
- N. Miura, H. Hayashi, H. Komatsubara, A. Mochizuki, K. Fukuda:
"TCAD Driven Drain Engineering for Hot Carrier Reduction of 3.3V I/O p-MOSFET";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 47 - 50.
- D. Navarro, K. Hisamitsu, T. Yamaoka, M. Tanaka, H. Kawano, H. Ueno, M. Miura-Mattausch, H.J. Mattausch, S. Kumashiro, T. Yamaguchi, K. Yamashita, N. Nakayama:
"Circuit Simulation Model of Gate-Drain Capacitance Changes in Small-Size MOSFETs due to High Channel Field Gradients";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 51 - 54.
- R. Navid, R.W. Dutton:
"The Physical Phenomena Responsible for Excess Noise in Short-Channel MOS Devices";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 75 - 78.
- M. Nedjalkov, R. Kosik, H. Kosina, S. Selberherr:
"Wigner Transport through Tunneling Structures Scattering Interpretation of the Potential Operator";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 187 - 190.
- Y. Oda, Y. Ohkura, K. Suzuki, S. Ito, H. Amakawa, K. Nishi:
"Statistical Fluctuation Analysis by Monte Carlo Ion Implantation Method";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 199 - 202.
- M. Ogawa, H. Tsuchiya, T. Miyoshi:
"Quantum Transport Modeling in Nanoscale Devices";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 261 - 266.
- Y. Ohkura, H. Takashino, S. Wakahara, K. Nishi:
"Analysis of Injection Current with Electron Temperature for High-Κ Gate Stacks";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 239 - 242.
- T. Ohta, K. Suzuki:
"A New SP (Simultaneous Polishing) Model for Copper CMP Process";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 257 - 260.
- P. Oldiges, C.S. Murthy, X. Wang, S. Fung, R. Purtell:
"On the Optimal Shape and Location of Silicided Source and Drain Contacts";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 39 - 42.
- Q.C Ouyang, S.J. Koester, J.O. Chu, A. Grill, S. Subbanna, D.A. Hennan:
"A Comprehensive Simulation Study of Strained Si/SiGe n-MODFET Scaling for RF Applications";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 59 - 62.
- F. Oyafuso, G. Klimeck, R.C. Bowen, T.B. Boykin:
"Nanoelectronic 3D (NEMO-3D) Simulation of Multimillion Atom Quantum Dot Systems";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 163 - 166.
- G. Pennington, N. Goldsman:
"Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Transport in a Carbon Nanotube";
Talk: Conference, Tokyo, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 279 - 282.
- A. Poncet, C. Busseret, A. Souifi:
"Cross Validation of Quantum Simulations and Optical Measurements in Single Electron Memories with Silicon Nano-Crystallites";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 179 - 182.
- S. Reggiani, A. Bertoni, M. Rudan:
"Numerical Simulation of a Two-Particle Wave Function in Quantum Wires";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 175 - 178.
- S. Reggiani, A. Valdinoci, L. Colalongo, M. Rudan, G. Baccarani, A. Stricker, F. Illien, N. Felber, W. Fichtner, S. Mettler, S. Lindenkreuz, L. Zullino:
"Surface Mobility in Silicon at Large Operating Temperature";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 15 - 20.
- K. Satake, Y. Kobayashi, S. Morita:
"Numerical Modeling of Silicon Film Deposition in Very-High-Frequency Plasma Reactor";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 135 - 138.
- A. Schenk, A. Wettstein:
"Simulation of DGSOI MOSFETs with a Schrödinger-Poisson Based Mobility Model";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 21 - 24.
- L. Schneider, T. Witzig, W. Streiff, W. Pfeiffer, T. Bregy, T. Schmidt, W. Fichtner:
"2D Simulation of a Buried-Heterostructure Tunable Twin-Guide DFB Laser Diode";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 55 - 58.
- W. Schoenmaker, P. Meuris, W. Magnus, B. Maleszka:
"Simulation of Substrate Currents";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 79 - 82.
- G. Schrag, R. Sattler, G. Wachutka:
"System Level Model of Damping Effects for Highly Perforated Torsional Microstructures";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 111 - 114.
- V. Senez, A. Armigliato, G. Carlotti, G. Carnevale, H. Jaouen, I. De Wolff:
"Finite Element Analysis of Stress Evolution in Si-Based Front and Back Ends Micro Structures";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 247 - 252.
- S. Smirnov, H. Kosina, S. Selberherr:
"Investigation of the Electron Mobility in Strained Si1-xGe x at High Ge Composition";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 29 - 32.
- Y. Tsukamoto, T. Kunikiyo, K. Nii, H. Makino, S. Iwade, K. Ishikawa, Y. Inoue:
"Realistic Scaling Scenario for Sub-100nm Embedded SRAM Based on Three-Dimensional Interconnect Simulation";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 63 - 66.
- H. Ueno, S. Jinbou, H. Kawano, K. Morikawa, N. Nakayama, A. Miura-Mattausch, H.J. Mattausch:
"Drift-Diffusion-Based Modeling of the Non-Quasistatic Small-Signal Response for RF-MOSFET Applications";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 71 - 74.
- G. Wachutka:
"Coupled Field Modeling of Microdevices and Microsystems";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 9 - 14.
- C.-C. Wang, C.S. Chang, P. Griffin, C.H. Diaz:
"Modeling of Ultra Shallow Junctions and Hybrid Source/Drain Profiles Annealed by Soak and Spike RTA";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 151 - 154.
- J.R. Watling, A. R. Brown, A. Asenov, A. Svizhenko, M.P. Anantram:
"Simulation of Direct Source-to-Drain Tunneling Using the Density Gradient Formalism: Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Calibration";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 267 - 270.
- W. Windl:
"Multiscale Simulation of Diffusion, Deactivation, and Segregation of Dopants - Ab-Initio to Continuum";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan (invited); 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 83 - 86.
- J. Wu, J. Chen, K. Liu:
"Transistor Width Dependence of LER Degradation to CMOS Device Characteristics";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 95 - 98.
- M. Yu, R. Huang, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, H. Oka:
"Atomistic Simulation of RTA Annealing for Shallow Junction Formation Characterizing both BED and TED";
Poster: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 123 - 126.
- S. Zhao, S. Tang, M. Nandakumar, D.B. Scott, S. Sridhar, A. Chatterjee, Y. Kim, S.-H. Yang, S.-C. Ai, S.P. Ashburn:
"GIDL Simulation and Optimization for 0.13μm/1.5V Low-Power CMOS Transistor Design";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 43 - 46.
- H. Zhu, K-L. Lee, O. Dokumaci, P. Ronsheim, F. Cardone, S. Hegde, U. Mantz, P. Saunders:
"Modeling of the Diffusion of Implanted Boron in Strained Si/Si1-xGex";
Talk: Conference, Kobe, Japan; 2002-09-04 - 2002-09-06; in: "Proc. of SISPAD", (2002), 4-89114-027-5; 221 - 224.